Short Bio
Hi! My name is Allison Ogechukwu and I love Machine learning, Data Science and Software Engineering. I want to bring a new perspective (mine) to the already vast archive of information.
B.Eng, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria December 2019
Here are my honourable mentions:
Machine Learning and Wireless Networks
- scs_predictive_analysis- In this project, I took a tour through wireless networks primarily the world of cognitive radio networks. I gained knowledge in digital signal processing with MATLAB and GNU Radio, digital communication principles (modulation techniques like OFDM, GMSK, PSK, FM etc.), antenna theory (a bit) and Machine learning. The project is still ongoing and I am currently exploring FIT/CorteXlab-a testbed that allows me to access world class software-defined radios located in France for free with my research. If you want to collaborate, please shot a mail to kanu dot ogechukwu at eng dot uniben dot edu. We will publish an international paper at the end of the project.
- diabetes-classification-project- In this project, I explored the world of neural networks using tensorflow and keras. I developed a model to predict whether or not a patient has diabetes, based on certain diagnostic measurements included in the dataset.
Statistical Optimization problems
- spectral_estnoise_ms-In this project, I took a ride down Statistical Optimization problems. I implemented and tested a noise estimation algorithm in developed for voice activity detectors (VAD) on radio frequency signals as a proposed method of dynamic thresholding required by ITU for spectral occupancy measurements. At the end of the research, we published a paper titled Spectral Noise Estimation: A Python 3 Implementation of the Minimum Statistics Estimation.
Software Engineering
- mvp-wallet-service-app-In this project, I explored REST APIs and developed an MVP for a wallet service. User can autheticate using JWTs and open accounts to perform common transactions like deposit, withdraw and transfer funds.
I love singing, reading, learning, sports and music.